Sunday, 24 July 2016

Where has Humanity come to ?

Jisha, a 29-year-old law student at the Government Law College, Ernakulam, was found murdered on April 28, 2016. She was raped and murdered at her house between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m

Jisha had a severe head injury and wounds were found on her chest and face. Jisha’s vagina was slashed over 20 times and her intestines and abdominal organs were pulled out. To ensure her death, her rapist/rapists smothered her. It is assumed that the house was broken into and a fight ensued between Jisha and her rapist.

Where are we heading towards? 

Do we really live in a civilized society? Do we have a minimum level of humanity left within ourselves? We should seriously think about it now.... We are so busy reading the news of celebrity marriage, elections, cricket matches etc ... We are celebrating / highlighting our achievements.. We are not even bothered that we are loosing our very basic human qualities day by day.. We should be ashamed of ourselves... It's just high time !!!!

I don't know why can't we put strict rules in our country, Nirbhaya case became sensational in our country on that time media and politicians became very revolutionary after few months everything fizzled out we were back to normal.
Only at the time of incident they react, later they don't have time to even think about the prevention, so sad... Punishment has to be severe to those guys who commit a hideous crime Such as Rape, these guys  have to suffer through out their lives...

This is nothing but cruelty! Cruelty shown by our Indian Government towards women. If they do something terrifying to one rapist and MAKE SURE that the public is aware of what they do to such an animal, the other guys who even think of a woman in a dirty way will be scared. But all they focus on is elections, how to win votes and how to loot the nation. Such a shame! At the most the rapists get life imprisonment or death sentecne. If it is a death sentence, there is another case filed and then it drags on to become life sentence. By that time the guy also applies for bail and is then let out to roam freely as they please. 
It took 5 years for the judiciary to  give judgement for those two brothers who gave their lives to defent their women friends who were harassed. That's the kind of country we live in. There are many more cases where the victim remains silent because of our wonderful society's branding. If there is going to be no immediate action from the government even after this I am sorry to say, none of our sympathies are going to have effect, because evidently, no one cares! 

I don't care what people think, but personally I feel there is no future for women in our country. Why would any human being be in a place where you are neither given respect, nor security or anything that supports you? It is best that we leave and never come back instead of facing and seing out fellow sisters suffer. Change? our country should have changed when nirbhaya happened. and yet here is India who has lost another precious daughter to the brutal filthy animal-like sons she bore.

Justice needed

What the hell is happening to this country.
This could happen to anyone, please be safe.
We are living among Wolfe's.

Female's life is pathetic... 
Always parents have to ensure safety of girl's... Worst is even kids are not spared whether it's a gal or boy... This will continue.. Till strict laws are not passed by government...but again human rights.. To give another chance to accused... Have they ever thought of giving  chance to victims... It should be stopped for a change... And give try to strict laws... Things will change

This is something which should get the priority by our lawmakers and judicial system n so also media n society as a whole.No human should be subjected to such barbaric violence and no culprit to be spared!

India is called itself Bharat Mata .and yet every day one child ,one women gets rape everyday because we as a society have failed to bring up our boy to respect a women.

All the young mothers should take it upon themselves to atleast make their son a sensitive human who would know that women are to be respected.

A young life end so brutally . So sad.

Rapist just don't get the factor of fear before the brutal acts because of the very less probability of getting caught or being revealed by the victim as well the the punishment system of India...
according to ME.. the real factor of FEAR can be brought to them by changing the method of punishment when caught...i am talking about "PENECTOMY"(surgical amputation of penis)!!!...just once this is done to the RAPISTS and the news is spread over..i am sure the rapists who leave free as well as the people who even thinks of rape will MISS A HEART BEAT !!!!! and this can bring a FALL on the INCREASING graph of INDIA'S RAPE .

Written by 
Madhu Anand Chandhock

Where has Humanity come to?

Hope : Hold on pain ends 😀

Don't allow others to take you for granted

Operation Sankat Mochan, India is great.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Be strong

Sunday, 17 April 2016

A write up on Suicidal Tendency

Life is Precious: why End it Prematurely ? Is Ending life,a Solution?

Pratushya Banerjee's death has Raised A lot of questions in mind, I do not know Whether this is a suicide or a murder, But Such News Leaves oneself Surrounded with many Thoughts. Suicide- Which means to end their lives in their own hands! Why do people Take Such Drastic Measures? Why is it that in a moment they become so helpless?. Why not think that their life is not just their own but their Family's too. 

Firstly, one Must not Forget that they are indebted to their Mother & father, who have not only given birth to them, but also devoted their entire life to accumulate happiness & good Life for their Children! As Parents they Would have had some dreams for themselves and their Children which were yet to be fulfilled. So why do some people only focus on just some dreams that are unfulfilled momentarily & commit such a heinous crime by Committing Suicide There by leaving all their Family Members Dreams & Hopes Shattered for life. Creating A Permanent void in their Lives.

Yes, According to my Views  Even suicide is also a crime. We have no right, to end our own life! Can u Imagine what a mother will go through who has Nurtured her Child in her womb for 9 months, who has shed tears for hours at the slightest injury of her child, Thereby Hurting Her & Leaving her to be Grieved in Sadness forever ! What can be more Devastating for Parents than listening & Witnessing their Young Children's Suicide(Death). If you did not receive the kind of love you  had expected from your Boyfriend, that doesn't mean you Forget all the love that you have received from your Parents, ​who had​ ​started loving​ you more than anyone even before your Birth,​have supported you at every stage of your life From your education to your career to your love life etc.​

Sometimes when i try to put myself into that person's shoes & i wonder ​that A person would have been so sad and depressed to have taken such a drastic step to end ones own life by committing suicide, on the other hand am forced to think &  see the reality that Sadness,daily life issues, monetary problems are all a part of everyone's lives in today's world. so is it correct to get scared/afraid of all these and instead of facing these situations boldly one opts an easier way out by ending ones life? Why cant we (Humans) Change ourselves by converting negativity into Positivity by focusing on our good ​deeds than bad?Why do people often act out of Emotional self than Practical self by taking wrong decisions?

​Most of the times i feel that the good gone olden days were the Golden days.​ When we used to think more than 100 times before taking any wrong steps/decisions. Most of the times those negative thoughts used to fade away due to the ​F​ear​/Respect​ of our parents(Mother, Father).

One more important thing i wish to share with all the parents is that, if a young boy/girl has to go away from their hometown for work/earn for their living then its my humble request that either of the parent or an elder member of the family should stay with them not to keep an eye on them but for moral support and security. As loneliness can be dangerous most of the times in an unknown new space/city. Plus at such an Adolescence/Tender age youngsters can sway away either ways good or bad.

Nowadays even the parents are quite liberal. L​ive​-​in relationships, which is a gift of​ western culture, ​we Indians​ ​have also begun to adopt. ​ 
I​ Cannot speak for others but according to me​ a lot of Our troubles,problems​ and wrong decisions (Like break-ups, suicides, divorces) are all perhaps due to this Live-in Relationships. Where in a boy and a girl Live together under one roof as husband and wife without being legally married/wedded.​

Perhaps having lived together for many years when they finally get married  and achieve an husband-wife tag officially they ​find nothing new​ in their relationship​. The good things or habits which seemed all right​ before marriage, suddenly starts to look/appear​ bad and wrong! Then starts the ​blame game and then begins a series of​ never ending battles ​between them. ​I wonder where Love disappears out of this relationship ! Patience Nowadays is rarely found in any of the human beings​​.

Value of  Spiritual need :
 Not only just Today's Youth/Generation but everyone in the modern world needs Spirituality & Awareness. They need Be alert and aware about the increasing consumption of Alcohol, Drugs,Smoking among-st the young Generation & their addiction towards these habits which in turn makes them shallow & weaker day by day. It's turning into a daily trend to be at par with the so called high Society norms. Which is very much wrong and totally uncalled for, as the Youth needs more focus on greater good of mankind and themselves. Being Modern and fashionable doesn't mean that one forgets their roots, where they belong, their family values and parental upbringing, Family members must have a sense of responsibility towards their off springs. If they notice any change or irregularities in their Children's behavior parents must reach to their Children and make themselves friendly and available for discussion and good advice if required & vice versa. This is the true essence of life one must always remember and cherish it.

There is been an increasing number of such suicide cases, where the causes are many. Betrayal in love, Health issues, Mass suicide (Unable to clear Family Debts/Loans), Dowry Harassment's are to name a few. These have been doing rounds on most of the News channels very frequently. For few days Media and Public tend to talk about it and then everyone seems to forget about what has  happened & Move on with their lives. But the word 'Suicide" remains very must alive at the same place under similar circumstances but moves on to different Family. 

In order to eradicate this so called "Suicide" disease, we must first change/Alter our thought process, we need to make ourselves Mentally, Emotionally so strong that no matter whatever the situation is we are firm and standing tall amidst all our Problems & Difficult times.

We face All our situations Boldly and not opt out the Suicidal route. It is not an intelligent Route/Step to opt for.

Time is a great Healer. Eventually Everything will pass with time.  
During such Adversities One often realizes Family Values and importance of being in a happy connected caring Family. Questions & Thoughts such as What were to happen of their Family members if one was to commit suicide etc etc must Arise in an individuals mind.

Being selfish most of the times and thinking only about ourselves and our needs is not a quality one portrays for loved ones. Instead we must shift focus on being selfless and care for others more often and hence avoid such drastic measures.
It is in here, Spirituality plays it's part aptly where we are reminded of our spiritual self, to chant of our Ancient proverbs, Mantras and Quotes from our spiritual Guru's/Saints/prophets. Practising Yoga and meditation helps yourself bring about a balance in our lifestyle.
One of my favourite Quote reads
"Mann ke Haare Haar hai, 
Mann ke Jeete Jeet hai."

Meaning If you loose your sanity you loose your self. In your mind if u think u are a looser, you will always be a looser, on the contrary if you think you are a winner you will always be one. One must concentrate on Strengthening his/her mind. 
With remorse I am to believe that a young life (Of Pratyusha) is come to an end. I wish if she was alive, if she did not take such drastic step, what if it did not end this way. These "IF's' only raise many more Questions But Only if all the "IF's" had any answers ever in this world.

Written by 
Madhu Anand Chandhock