Friday 8 May 2015

Live n Let Live Salman Khan

We all are human beings n do mistakes.  Salman khan also did but now he is a changed man  n a nice human being. He is paying of for his stardom now . I just want to ask all of you that why you are not raising your voices to ask punishment for so many rapists n  culprits who had spoiled so many girls lives by throwing acid on them.  I agree that Salman khan did mistakes but  we should also think of all the noble causes he had done in last  few years. By helping poor n needy through his organisation Being Human. He and his family are true genuine philanthropists. They are not out of their mind with criminal backgrounds n history. Salman khan made a mistake n he has learnt some hard lessons. I think we should let God judge him. Give me one name in India who does the magnitude of charity work the entire Khan family does in one day . The judicial system of India n the Govt is not going to feed the man's family who died and the injured who suffered.
Salman Khan is a role model for so many people but I think most of the people also want to forgive him . Even the family of the deceased doesn't want him to go jail. There are many such cases of hit n run which doesn't even come in public eyes, just because he is a celebrity, people want to drag him for everything n make the most out if it. 
By putting Salman khan behind bars won't solve the problem. He is not from that culture n space. We need to make grass root changes to uplift the poor hungry and uneducated people of this country.
I had written so many times about an acid victim Sonali Mukherjee n her story . But no one came forward to help her.  Her 3 culprits are still out n enjoying n the poor girl still suffering ,  Go man talk bout them. Get those 3 culprits who put acid on Sonali ,behind  bars .Let Salman live his life n let him  do his good karma ( which he is seriously doing from so many years) .

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